Torkoscar leads the way in the production of professional working tools and instruments. Our catalogue comprises over 100 coded items for use in a wide variety of working fields, including building, hydraulics, electrotechnics and automotive industry.


Torkoscar leads the way ahead towards achieving millennial in each design created and sold. We have been engaged in providing safe, durable, quality and best out of best product to our customers throughout these years, committing further to many more glorious years together.

Our Commitments

Torkoscar is committed to delivering the highest level of customer satisfaction in the world of tools. To support and achieve this goal, the firm has implemented a quality policy that is systematically applied to all its assignments. Each of us at Torkoscar undertakes to apply commitment to quality.

Our Vision

Our vision is a new way of doing business – one that delivers growth by serving globally with a substantial increase in clientele helping us build our company as one of the best tools designers in the world.

Global Reach, Local Touch

On a global level, we aim to realize company ambitions of growth and increased revenue. On a local level, we strive to earn our customers’ trust and respect by building lasting personal relationships through excellent service and support.


To Become a Distributor

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      34, Sembudoss Street, Room No:2, 1st Floor, Chennai – 600001.


      044 – 4218 6812 / 044 – 4860 2278

      Email Address



      34, Sembudoss Street, Room No:2, 1st Floor, Chennai – 600001.


      044 – 4218 6812 / 044 – 4860 2278

      Email Address


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